English for Academic Purposes
The English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program is an integrated skills program for all English levels ranging from foundational to advanced. Through EAP, English students will develop their academic reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.
The EAP program trains students in the English language skills necessary to succeed in an English-only classroom. EAP equips students with the confidence to reach their highest potential in a new academic environment. EAP courses are available online or at certified IPERC Centers worldwide.
Placement and Level Standards
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Course Overview
Reading (Levels I, II, III): In this course, students develop and apply the reading skills essential for academic learning and inquiry in the context of authentic academic reading tasks. Throughout the three levels, students will work to build fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary skills through extensive and intensive reading tasks of increasing complexity.
Writing (I, II, III): In this course, students will learn and apply the writing skills essential for academic success including sentence, paragraph, and essay writing. Course work will focus on planning and writing clear paragraphs and essays, as well as on improving sentence structure, vocabulary, and grammar in written work.
Listening Speaking (I, II, III): In this course, students will learn and apply the listening, notetaking, and presentation skills essential for academic learning, inquiry, and communication in the context of authentic academic listening and speaking tasks. Students will work to build fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary skills through extensive and intensive listening tasks of increasing complexity.
Grammar (I, II, III): In this course, students will learn and apply grammatical structures that enable them to better comprehend and use academic English. Students will learn to appreciate the relevance of acquiring and applying grammatical knowledge to express themselves confidently and appropriately in different academic situations as well as social situations relevant to the American college context.
Research Skills: Students learn to conduct undergraduate research at an American university through a research project. They become proficient in the skills necessary to uphold the standards of research paper writing, including citation, documentation, quoting, paraphrasing, and summarization.
Critical Thinking: Students develop the critical thinking skills needed to interpret and assess arguments and information.
Plan of Study
All Reading Courses
All Writing Courses
All Listening/Speaking Courses
All Grammar Courses
Research Skills
Critical Thinking
Reading/Writing II & II
Listening/Speaking II & III
Grammar II & III
Research Skills
Critical Thinking
Reading/Writing III
Listening/Speaking III
Grammar III
Research Skills
Critical Thinking